If you have not heard yet, The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is considering bringing back the pre-claim review process for Medicare claims in home health care that had been previously paused in 2017. This program has been controversial in the past, but it has also been recognized as something that is necessary for most. They are leaving it up to you to decide if you feel like you need it and we want to give you all of the information to help you make that decision.
Here Is The Scoop
The Initial Program. CMS originally released the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 in order to “require agencies to plan for the development of new collections of information and the extension of ongoing collections well in advance of sending proposals to OMB”. This act requested that you “seek public comment on proposed collection of information through 60-day notices” and that OMB has acknowledged the situation enough to possibly “reduce the burden of collection on small businesses, local government and other small entities.” The industry did not respond well to it, claiming that it was a burden to them and ‘poorly administered.’ The New Revisions. The program was postponed indefinitely, but on April 1, 2017, CMS opened up the new considerations to the providers. It appears that, now, home health agencies will have three options:- Pre-claim review
- Post-payment review
- Minimal post-payment review with a 25% payment reduction for all services through home health in the demonstration states
- Illinois
- Ohio
- North Carolina
- Texas
- and Florida
The Final Details
The earliest this demonstration is expected to take place will be the 1st of October in 2018. CMS is still navigating the terms and the general response from home health care providers. As they explore the most efficient way to approach these reviews they will continue to keep the public informed over the months to come. The intention is to make the whole process easier and align with the needs of providers like you. Here at Precision Medical Billing, we make it our priority to stay current on the latest news impacting medical billing. Follow our blog so that you can stay in the loop, too. For more information on medical billing for home health, please contact us here.